
Is this really a Myth?

When you’re down in the dumps, think yourself happy by focusing on the positive

It is true that our thoughts affect our emotions/mood. However, how easy is it to control those thoughts? Many self-help gurus claim that mind control of emotions is really easy and that it’s all within our reach. Scientists and other mental health professionals have supported and challenged this belief. The purpose of this blog is to analyze the popular belief that “When you’re down in the dumps, think yourself happy by focusing on the positive,” or to be more precise, “When down, positive self-talk will lift you up.”

I am an undergraduate student at Seattle University. I am a psychology major. I enjoy reading books and long walks during the sunset. I am an Aquarius. This is a class assignment for my class called “Popular Myths about Human Behavior.” I highly suggest you take it too. I picked this topic because I couldn’t believe that “When down, positive self-talk will lift you up” could possibly be a myth. So all I ask of you is come explore my blog, make comments, and discuss how you feel about this topic.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

What do people mean

What People Mean
1. What do people mean?
2. What are other ways to say it?
3. What is it suppose to do for you?
4. How would professionals label the myth?

There are two different ways the statement “When do in the dumps, think yourself happy by focusing on the positive” can be looked at.
First, it is enforcing the popular belief that we can control our thoughts/emotions with our mind. Second, it is telling us that positive thoughts will make us happier.

Other variations of the myth:
Positive thinking
Positive self-talk
Positive attitude
Don’t Worry Be happy
Your thoughts control your world
New Thought Movement

Things the myth is suppose to do for you:
Reduces stress
Increase life satisfaction
Boost ones self-esteem
Boost ones confidence
Provide personal growth

Other ways the myth can be looked at as being:
A self-improvement technique
A self-empowering instrument people can use to change their lives
A way to affirm your true potential
A way to make yourself feel better
A form of personally development

How professionals in the field of psychology world define the myth:
Cognitive restructuring
Though suppression
Mind Control

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